We aim to provide all our customers with a high level of service at all times. However, if for any reason you are not satisfied with the service that you have received from us you would need to advise the Account Manager who will investigate and respond to your complaint. We give our commitment that your concerns will be fully investigated.

If you have made a complaint to the Account Manager and are not happy with the response that you receive then you can escalate your complaint by writing to the Managing Director with details of your previous complaint – this letter will be acknowledged within 2 working days – the complaint will then be fully investigated and a response given within 10 working days. If a situation requires longer investigation, we will contact you within 10 working days to inform you of this and let you know when you can expect a response.

The complaint will also be kept on file to enable us to monitor the number and types of complaints we receive so that we can ensure, as best we can, that the situation doesn’t occur again.

To this date, we are happy to say we haven’t received any complaints so have been unable to develop our services around them.


Write to:

Shebang Design & Marketing, Thorpe House, 17 Dormer Place, Leamington Spa, CV32 5AA